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Asked by: Shuai Dietzschold
home and garden landscapingHow do you build a shed foundation on uneven ground?
- Determine the degree of unevenness on the shedsite.
- Solve modest slope problems by excavating a high sideandbuilding up the soil on a low sidesofoundation blocks are set with tops level.
- Use pier and beam construction for steeper slopes.
- Move the shed location if the uneven site isanarea of heavy water runoff.
Also know, do you need a foundation for a shed?
Generally, smaller sheds of up to8×6do not need a foundation. Small shedscan berested on crushed stone with either treated woodfoundationsor concrete foundation blocks. Largesheds willneed to have strongfoundations.
One may also ask, how do you build a shed foundation with pavers?
How to Build a Concrete Foundation With Pavers foraShed
- Mark the area for the paver pad with marking paint.
- Dig out the area within the marks to a depth equal to thepaversplus 3 inches.
- Pour a 1-inch depth of crushed gravel onto thecompactedground.
- Lay out the pavers in the desired pattern over theconcretesand.
For ordinary garden sheds, a thickness of3"(75mm) is sufficient in most situations. On soft clay, or onlargerbuildings, increase the thickness to 4" (100mm) laid on 2"(50mm)of finely broken and compacted hard-core if required. Halfthedepth of the base (approx) should be abovegroundlevel.