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Asked by: Vivencio Naveed
business and finance construction industryHow do you calculate blocks for retaining walls?
Likewise, how much does it cost to install a block retaining wall?
Retaining Wall Cost Most homeowners find themselves spending between$3,202and $8,402. The cost of retaining wallmaterialsranges from $3 to $40 per square foot. Wall blockpricesfall between $10 and $15 per square foot, while precase,pouredconcrete runs $20 to $25.
Also asked, how do you calculate building blocks?
Measure the length and height of theblockin inches and then substitute the values in theequationsquare feet of block = (length ofblock x height ofblock) / 144. For example, astandard cement blockmeasures 16 x 8 inches, so it covers0.89 square feet — (16 x8) / 144 = 0.89.
In order of price, these are some costs for retainingwallmaterials:
- Treated pine and is the least expensive material.
- Hardwood is more expensive than treated pine.
- Concrete sleepers are more expensive.
- Besser blocks are relatively expensive to have installed.
- Interlocking concrete blocks come in a variety of prices.