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Asked by: Seneida Ito
business and finance mechanical and industrial engineering industryHow do you calculate bursting strength of corrugated box?
Furthermore, how is bursting strength measured?
Bursting strength is measured by means ofa Mullen tester. The test specimen, held between annular clamps, issubjected to an increasing pressure by a rubber diaphragm, which isexpanded by hydraulic pressure at a controlled rate, until the testspecimen ruptures.
Also question is, what is bursting factor of corrugated box?
The bursting factor of the paper is burstingstrength divided by the basic weight of paper in grams persquare meter. The bursting strength tells you the amount ofpressure the paper can tolerate before it bursts orruptures. In case of corrugated boxes, the corrugatedor fluted paper improves the durability.
An equivalent 44 ECT rated single wall cartonwill weigh on average 149 pounds per 1000 square feet ofmaterial used.