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Asked by: Laticia Kunik
business and finance non profit organizationsHow do you calculate fundraising efficiency ratio?
Also, what is a good fundraising efficiency ratio?
What should a not-for-profit organization expect its operating reliance ratio to be? Ideally, this ratio should be greater than one. An organization should spend less money in fundraising expenses than it gains in donations. The higher the result, the more efficient the organization is at raising money.
Also, how do you calculate program expense ratio?
Program Service Expenses ÷ Total Expenses The program ratio measures the relationship between program expenses (funds a nonprofit devotes to its direct mission-related work) and the organization's total expenses.
Average Cost to Raise One Dollar $0.20 per dollar raised. $ 1.25 to $1.50 per dollar raised. $0.25 per dollar raised. $0.25 per dollar raised.