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Asked by: Alimatou Kaempf
business and finance mechanical and industrial engineering industryHow do you calculate gear reduction?
Also asked, what is a gear reduction?
A reduction gear is an arrangement by whichaninput speed can be lowered for a requirement of sloweroutputspeed, with same or more output torque.
Similarly, you may ask, how do you calculate gears?
Divide the number of teeth on each "driven"gearby the number of teeth on the "drive" gear foreachinterlocking set of gears to calculatetheintermediate gear ratios. In our example, theintermediategear ratios are 20/7 = 2.9 and 30/20 =1.5.
The outputgearof a speed reducer has more teeth than theinputgear. So, while the output gear might rotatemoreslowly, reducing the speed of the input, the torqueisincreased. So, to sum up, they take an input power sourceandincrease the torque while decreasing thespeed.