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Asked by: Heide Weyhreter
business and finance mechanical and industrial engineering industryHow do you calculate gears?
Likewise, how do you calculate the number of teeth in a gear?
The ratio of a given pair of spur gearsiscalculated by dividing the number of teeth onthedriven gear, by the number of teeth on thedrivegear.
Similarly one may ask, how do you calculate gear reduction?
The “reduction” or gearratiois calculated by dividing the number of teeth on thelargegear by the number of teeth on the small gear.Forexample, if an electric motor drives a 13-tooth piniongearthat meshes with a 65-tooth gear, areduction of 5:1is achieved (65 / 13 = 5).
When you hear people refer to numbers like 3.08, 3.73,or4.10, they're talking about the ratio ofthering-and-pinion gears in the rear axle—hence,thenumbers are more accurately 3.08:1, 3.73:1, or 4.10:1.Thatalso means that for every one turn of the ringgear,the pinion will turn 4.11 times.