Asked by: Segunda Abalia
science physics

How do you calculate hydraulic diameter?

The hydraulic diameter is calculated as 4 timesthe flow area divided by the wetted perimeter of theconduit.

In respect to this, how do you calculate the hydraulic radius of a pipe?

Hydraulic radius is the area of the water prismin a pipe or channel divided by the wetted perimeter. Thus,for a round conduit flowing full or half full, the hydraulicradius is d/4. Hydraulic radius measures the flowefficiency of a pipe.

Subsequently, question is, what is mean by hydraulic radius? Hydraulic radius is defined as the area of theflow section divided by the wetted perimeter, whereas, Hydraulicmean depth is defined as the area of the flow section dividedby the top water surface width.

In this manner, what is hydraulic diameter how is it defined what is it equal to for a circular pipe of diameter D?

Answer: Hydraulic diameter is defined asit is ratio of cross sectional area of the pipe to wettedperimeter of the pipe. This parameter useful to determinedthe Reynolds number for laminar or turbulent flow.

What is equivalent diameter in heat exchanger?

Shell side Equivalent (Hydraulic)Diameter. Equivalent diameter employed by Kern forcorrelating shell side heat transfer/flow is not a trueequivalent diameter. The direction of shell side flow ispartly along the tube length and partly at right angles to tubelength or heat exchanger axis.

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