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Asked by: Elizabhet Henig
business and finance commoditiesHow do you calculate net exports of goods and services?
Besides, what is the net exports of goods and services?
Net exports are the difference between acountry'stotal value of exports and total value of imports.Dependingon whether a country imports more goods orexportsmore goods, net exports can be apositive or negativevalue.
People also ask, what are the two ways of looking at GDP?
GDP Based on Spending This approach can be calculated using thefollowingformula: GDP = C + G + I + NX, or (consumption +governmentspending + investment + net exports). All theseactivitiescontribute to the GDP of a country. The U.S.GDP isprimarily measured based on theexpenditureapproach.
They may also produce and then sell them. We alsocallintermediate goods producer goods or semi-finishedgoods.During the production process, an intermediate goodmaybecome part of a finished product. Wood, steel, and sugar areallexamples of intermediategoods.”