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Asked by: Riccardo Altnickel
business and finance construction industryHow do you calculate slab thickness?
- Determine how thick you want the concrete.
- Measure the length and width that you'd like to cover.
- Multiply the length by the width to determine square footage.
- Convert the thickness from inches to feet.
- Multiply the thickness in feet by the square footage to determine cubic feet.
Besides, what is the minimum thickness of slab?
UBC recommends minimum thickness of Concrete floor slabs supported directly on the ground to be 89mm, whereas BCGBC4010A – Apply structural principles to residential low-rise constructions determined minimum thickness to be 100mm.
Herein, how thick should slab on grade be?
An article once reported that the thickness of one specified 6 inch slab varied from 2 ¾ inches to 8 inches, but the “normal” range should have been between 4 ½ inches to 7 ½ inches of thickness with an “average” concrete thickness of 5 ¼ to 5 ½ inches.
Moreover, the minimum thickness of any two way slab without interior beams should not be less than the following: For slabs without drop panel 125 mm. For slabs with drop panel 100 mm.