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Asked by: Iliane Awilkin
science space and astronomyHow do you calculate the size of an object under a microscope?
Divide the number of cells in view with the diameterofthe field of view to figure the estimated lengthofthe cell. If the number of cells is 50 and the diameter youareobserving is 5 millimeters in length, then one cell is0.1millimeter long. Measured in microns, the cell would be1,000microns in length.
Consequently, what unit of measurement is used to measure the size of a specimen viewed under the microscope?
Micrometre, also called micron, metric unitofmeasure for length equal to 0.001 mm, orabout0.000039 inch. Its symbol is μm. The micrometre iscommonlyemployed to measure the thickness or diameterofmicroscopic objects, such as microorganisms andcolloidalparticles.
how is bacterial size measured?
Bacteria are measured in unitsoflength called micrometers, or microns. One millimeterisequal to 1,000 microns; it takes about 25,000 microns to makeupone inch (2.5 centimeters). Some bacteria measure onlyonehalf a micron.
- Step 1: Multiply the detectors number of horizontal pixelsbythe number of vertical pixels to get the total number of pixelsofthe detector.
- Step 2: Multiply total number of pixels by the bit depth ofthedetector (16 bit, 14 bit etc.) to get the total number of bitsofdata.