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Asked by: Blanch Furriol
hobbies and interests woodworkingHow do you calculate the weight of a roof truss?
Correspondingly, how much does a roof truss weigh?
For wood trusses with a total load of around 180pounds per lineal foot (30 pounds per square foot spaced one at sixfoot or two at 12 feet), a single 24 foot span 4/12 slope trussweight should be about 125 pounds.
Laws of statics
- are equal in magnitude;
- are opposite in direction; and.
- act along the line between the two points.
Furthermore, how do you calculate roof trusses?
Divide the length of the roof by two todetermine how many trusses are needed. Trussesare generally secured 24 inches on center along the top plate. Fora 30-foot long roof, a total of 15 trusses areneeded.
For a 2,000 square foot home, roof trussinstallation typically costs between $7,200 and $12,000.You'll spend anywhere from $1.50 to $4.50 per square foot formaterials alone, or between $35 and $150, though extremely long andcomplex types can reach $400 each. Labor runs anywhere from $20 to$75 per hour.