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Asked by: Lowell Vitacro
business and finance executive leadership and managementHow do you call a female chairman?
Also to know is, what is the role of the chairman?
The role of the chairman. Thechairman'sprimary role is to ensure that the board iseffective in itstask of setting and implementing the company'sdirection andstrategy. The chairman is appointed by theboard and theposition may be full-time or part-time. To take thechair atgeneral meetings and board meetings.
Herein, how do you address a board chair?
To address a board member in person,statethe person's title first such as“Mr.”“Mrs.” or “Dr.” and thenstate the person'sname and position on the board. An exampleis “Mr.Smith, Chairman of the Board.”After the personor group acknowledges you, you are free to continuespeaking. Writea letter.
The Chairman must first be a directoronthe Board of Directors. The Chairman mustgenerallyperform duties that may be assigned to him or her by theBoard ofDirectors. A non-executive chairman isgenerally atemporary position that provides support and advice tothe ChiefExecutive Officer, CEO for short.