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Asked by: Lyndsay Mudrak
style and fashion nail careHow do you change a primer bulb on a Stihl weedeater?
Unscrew the four screws that hold the primer bulb unit in place with a Phillips screwdriver. Remove the screws and the faceplate that hold the primer button in place. Pop the bulb out of the faceplate.
Also asked, how do you change a primer bulb?
Reviewing these steps will likely help with primer bulb replacements on other engines.
- Access the carburetor.
- Unscrew the two carburetor mount screws.
- Remove the old primer bulb.
- Clean the carburetor and primer bulb components.
- Install the new primer bulb.
- Remount the carburetor.
Similarly, is primer bulb necessary?
A primer bulb is important because it is helps to fill the carburetor with the correct amount of fuel. It does this by pulling fuel through the fuel line. You may need to fix or replace your primer bulb if: It is not creating proper suction.
- Find the air cleaner and remove its cover.
- Proceed to remove the air cleaner itself.
- The housing should be clearly exposed by now.
- Quickly put the air cleaner back in its original position and replace the cover.
- Now, your lawn mower is ready to use without the primer bulb!