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Asked by: Emerencia Fenrich
science physicsHow do you change direct current to alternating current?
Keeping this in view, can direct current be converted to alternating current?
The ability to provide direct currentpowerisinherent to the nature of batteries. An inverterincreasestheDC voltage, and then changes ittoalternatingcurrent before sending it out to power adevice.These deviceswere initially designed to do theopposite --to convertalternating current intodirectcurrent.
Keeping this in view, how does an alternating current work?
Current always flows in the samedirectionbetweenthose two terminals. The power that comes from apowerplant, on theother hand, is calledalternatingcurrent (AC).The direction of thecurrentreverses, or alternates, 60times per second (in theU.S.) or 50times per second (in Europe,for example).
A rectifier is an electrical devicethatconvertsalternating current (AC), whichperiodicallyreversesdirection, to direct current (DC), whichflows inonly onedirection. The process is known as rectification,sinceit"straightens" the direction of current. As noted,detectorsofradio signals serve as rectifiers.