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Asked by: Mudassar Chiorean
hobbies and interests woodworkingHow do you change the blade on a Craftsman 10 inch radial arm saw?
Use the box wrench to turn the arbor nut on the other side of the blade. Pull the handle of the wrench toward the front of the table to loosen the nut. Unscrew it and remove the blade flange and the blade.
Also asked, how do you change the blade on a 10 inch Craftsman miter saw?
How to Change a Blade on a Craftsman Miter Saw
- Turn off the saw by flipping the switch to the off position.
- Grab the arm and lock it into the highest position to allow for maximum workspace to remove the blade.
- Detach or loosen the guard so it is out of the way of the blade.
- Remove the lock the blade is attached to by using a 3/8 inch wrench.
Also to know is, how do you set a radial arm saw table?
Setting Up a Radial Arm Saw
- Step 1: Assemble the Stand.
- Step 2: Set the Saw Base on the Stand.
- Step 3: Install the Saw Arm.
- Step 4: Install the Key for the Column.
- Step 5: Prepare the Motor Yoke Assembly for Sliding Onto the Arm.
- Step 6: Slide the Yoke Onto the Arm.
- Step 7: Set the Tension on the Bearing Rollers.
- Step 8: Choose the Electrical Service.
Video of the Day
- Mark a straight line across a piece of scrap wood with a pencil. Place the wood on the miter saw table beneath the saw blade.
- Lower the handle of the miter saw until the blade is to the left side of the line.
- Turn on the laser on the saw handle.
- Loosen the screw 1/8 turn with a Phillips screwdriver.