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Asked by: Shawn Bascope
hobbies and interests woodworkingHow do you change the blade on a RotoZip saw?
- Unplug or remove the battery from the Rotozip tool before replacing the blade.
- Grasp the Rotozip in one hand while pressing the shaft lock inward with the other hand.
- Hold the shaft lock in, and loosen the collet nut until the spiral blade is loose and removable.
Also to know is, how do you cut a circle with a Rotozip?
Place the center of the circle cutter in the center hole and bit in the hole for the circle. Hold the Rotozip upright in one hand, turn on the Rotozip. Hold the outer knob of the circle cutter with your free hand. Turn slow counter clockwise letting the bit do the work.
Furthermore, what can you cut with a Rotozip?
The RotoZip's compact and lightweight design allows users to work in tight spaces, make sink cut-outs in laminate, cut outlet openings in plywood, trim ceramic tile, cut holes in cement board, cut locations for floor registers, and much, much more.
A cutout tool is bigger, heavier and designed for tougher jobs such as removing grout or cutting drywall. A rotary tool is small, lighter and can be held like a pencil. A rotary tool is used for finer projects such as stenciling, sanding in light places or polishing.