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Asked by: Bell Nabazo
business and finance gasoline pricesHow do you change the oil on a Troy Bilt tb110?
Herein, what oil does a Troy Bilt tb110 take?
Standard SAE-5W30 motor oil is safe for most Troy-Bilt lawn mowers and works in a wide range of temperatures.
Hereof, how much oil does a Troy Bilt push mower take?
Service Tip! - When purchasing oil for seasonal maintenance, most small engines (such as those on push mowers) have total capacities of less than one quart (32 oz.) and most medium size engines (such as those found on residential snow throwers and riding mowers) have total capacities of less than two quarts (64 oz.).
The W means winter. So the first number such as 5 in 5w-30 means that it flows better when cold. 10w-30 would be a bit thicker while cold. However it is important to note that the 30 is the same across all three oils, meaning that they will all be the same viscosity once the engine is at full operating temperature.