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Asked by: Inaya Arrozpide
technology and computing digital audioHow do you change the tempo without changing the pitch?
In this manner, how do you change the speed without changing the pitch in audacity?
To access the time-stretching option, choose Effect>Change Tempo. To speed up the audio file, movetheslider to the right and click Preview to hear a short clip. Youcanalso type in a value in the Percent Change box ifyouprefer.
In this way, can a song change BPM?
No, it is not a device commonly used in popularmusic.However, this technique is extremely common in other formsofmusic. There are no good reasons to avoid this technique,bandmusicians are still musicians. If a clarinetist canchangetempo in an orchestra, a guitarist can changetempo in asong.
When you play a sound faster, or in other words,you'speed it up', you essentially make its vibrationsmovefaster through the air. In this way, you basicallyincreasethe frequency of the audiowave pattern, whichconsequentlyincreases the pitch of thesound.