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Asked by: Tertuliano Bickhardt
home and garden indoor environmental qualityHow do you check a thermistor with a multimeter?
Consequently, how do you test a motor thermistor?
Testing a PTC thermistor follows allthesame steps as a NTC thermistor. First check, withanohmmeter, the thermistor without any heat applied. WithaPTC thermistor at room temperature or below,thethermistor should measure a very low resistance. Nowapplyheat, just like before, to thethermistor'sbody.
People also ask, should a thermistor have continuity?
Customer Questions and Answers for ThermistorbyWhirlpool Got new part, it also does nothavecontinuity, hooked it in and ignitor does not goon, sono heat for dryer. Thermistors do nothavecontinuity, they show resistance. You should readaround10k Ohms at room temperature.
Connect the black lead of the meter to the body ofthecold sensor and the red to the terminal. You should haveareading of approximately 2000 ohms. Check thewarmsensor in your engine. You should see a much lowerreadingon the digital meter.