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Asked by: Sintia Volman
automotive road side assistanceHow do you check the valve clearance on a Briggs and Stratton engine?
- Step 1: Release the brake spring. Then, turn the flywheel to close both valves.
- Step 2: Insert a narrow screwdriver into the spark plug hole and touch the piston. Turn the flywheel clockwise past top dead center until the piston has moved down 1/4". Use the screwdriver to gauge the piston's range of motion.
Furthermore, what is the valve clearance on a 17 HP Briggs and Stratton?
The clearance on the exhaust valve should be . 005-. 007 inches. If adjustment is required, loosen the allen set screw in the center of the nut on the rocker arm and adjust the nut to obtain the proper clearance.
In respect to this, how do you adjust valve clearance on a Briggs and Stratton engine?
How to Adjust Overhead Valves
- Step 1: Release the brake spring.
- Step 2: Insert a narrow screwdriver into the spark plug hole and touch the piston.
- Step 3: Check the valve clearance by placing a feeler gauge between the valve head and the rocker arm.
- Step 4: Adjust the clearances as required by turning the rocker screw.
Too much clearance means the valves will likely clatter and, over the long term, cause damage to the valves, camshaft lobes or rocker arms. If there's too little valve clearance, the valves won't fully close, causing excessive heat, and the engine will lose power.