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Asked by: Kiara Bogenreuther
style and fashion makeup and accessoriesHow do you clean a beauty blender yourself?
To clean a beauty blender, start by filling upabowl with warm, soapy water. Use a gentle hand soap or shampoosoyou don't irritate your skin when you use yourbeautyblender after you clean it. Next, soak yourbeautyblender in the soapy water for 30minutes.
Also asked, how do you remove makeup from a sponge?
How to Clean Your Makeup Sponge—the Cheap &EasyWay
- Place your dirty makeup sponge under warm water and give itasqueeze to rinse out excess makeup.
- Wet your bar of soap and rub it in your hands until itproducesa soapy lather.
- Rub your blender along the soap, making sure to soap upeverypart of the sponge.
In this manner, what soap can I use to clean my beauty blender?
While there are tons of sponge cleansers out there,thebest and easiest way to clean your sponge is with agentle,antibacterial soap. I prefer dish soap, likeDawn,when washing my own BB, but any gentleantibacterialsoap will do, from BB-specific cleansersto babyshampoo.
Clean your sponge and then put it inthecup of water. Squeeze it until it's fully-saturated.Heatthe cup for one minute in the microwave. Let itsitfor five minutes until water cools, then squeezeitout.