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Asked by: Raguel Reese
hobbies and interests woodworkingHow do you clean a Boos block cutting board?
Also question is, what is the best oil for wood cutting boards?
The Best Oils to Care for Your Wooden CuttingBoard
- Linseed and walnut oils: These “polymerizing oils”will harden as they dry, creating a pretty durable finish.
- Mineral oil: This odorless, colorless, neutral petroleumbyproduct is completely food-safe, and is used extensivelythroughout the food industry.
Herein, how do you protect a wooden cutting board?
Clean the wood: You want your cuttingboard and spoons to be as clean as possible and thoroughly dry.I like to use a half lemon and coarse salt, then wipe it clean, andlet it dry thoroughly. Apply the oil: Using a clean, soft cloth orpaper towel, apply the oil in an even layer over thewood.
Regular application of mineral oil will preventcutting boards from becoming dry and brittle, whichcan cause a cracked board. A board that istreated with oil also prevents liquids from penetrating theboard, which is often the source of germs andbacteria.