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Asked by: Nayara Capdet
food and drink cookingHow do you clean a burnt stainless steel coffee pot?
- Put 1 cup of baking soda into your stainless steel coffee pot and fill the pot with warm water.
- Use your dish brush to scrub the inside of the pot while your recipe is in it.
- Pour out the pot.
- If stain remains, put ½ cup of hydrogen peroxide and 2 tbs.
Also know, how do you clean a burnt coffee pot?
To remove coffee stains from inside a glass coffee pot, add 1 tablespoon water, 4 teaspoons salt, and 1 cup crushed ice. Gently swirl until it is clean, then rinse thoroughly. (Just make sure the coffee pot is at room temperature before cleaning.) Click through our slideshow to see other household tips.
Similarly, how do you clean a stainless steel percolator?
Polish Your Perk
- Fill your percolator with water.
- Add three tablespoons of baking soda.
- Turn it on, and let it run through a cycle.
- Allow the water to cool, then scrub inside the coffee maker with a brush.
- Discard the water and rinse well.
- Next, fill your percolator with half water and half white vinegar.
Sprinkle a little baking soda onto the bottom of your stained cup or carafe, add just enough water to form a paste, and scrub. The gentle abrasion of the baking soda will get rid of stains in a matter of minutes. Then, simply rinse and wash the way you usually would.