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Asked by: Tolentina Brincano
home and garden home appliancesHow do you clean a commercial steamer?
A simple bath of soap and water offers a gentleyeteffective method for cleaning your machine. One of themostimportant aspects of cleaning your steameristhoroughness. Using a cloth, rub down the inside of themachine,paying special care to clean out debris that may beleftover from cooking.
Just so, how do you clean a commercial food steamer?
Fill the sink with warm soapy water. Placethesteamer into the full sink and allow it to soak forseveralminutes. Allowing the steamer to soak in warm waterwillloosen any food pieces they may be stuck to thetool.Electric steamers need to be soakedcarefully.
How do I decalcify my steamer?It's easier thanitsounds.
- Just fill the water tank with 1/3 white vinegar and2/3distilled water.
- Run the steamer until half the mixture has steamed.
- Unplug and allow it to rest for 30 minutes.
- Dump out remaining mixture.
Considering this, how do you Delime a steamer?
How to Delime a Steamer
- Put protective goggles and gloves on before handlingthedescaling cleaner.
- Power the steamer off and let it cool down.
- Open the deliming port and pour the deliming solution intotheport.
- Allow the cycle to complete itself, or allow the solutiontosoak in the steamer for approximately an hour before therinsecycle.
How to Remove Calcium Buildup From a Food Steamer
- Disconnect the food steamer from the power source and waitforthe appliance to cool.
- Remove the bowls, drip tray and any other components fromthesteamer and wash them thoroughly in hot, soapy water.
- Pour 1 quart of vinegar into the base to the fill mark.