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Asked by: Natacha Wegne
home and garden indoor environmental qualityHow do you clean a rainbow vacuum filter?
- Remove the panel on the back of your Rainbowvacuum.
- Pull the top edge of the HEPA neutralizer toward you andlift it up out of the housing.
- Hold the HEPA neutralizer with the louvers facingupward.
- Turn over the HEPA neutralizer and shake it to allow thewater to leave through the louvers.
Thereof, do Rainbow vacuums have filters?
Rainbow Vacuums use water to filter withso you never have to buy bags. 6. You can useRainbow Vacuums to pick up wet spills andwater.
Keeping this in consideration, is a HEPA filter washable?
A washable HEPA filter should be cleaned byrinsing it under cold water. A HEPA filter marketed as“permanent” should be cleaned by gently using a vacuumcleaner to suck away dust and debris from the surface of thefilter. Water should not be used on these types offilters.
Rexair provides to its independent Authorized RainbowDistributors, a written four (4) year warranty on theRainbow Cleaning System and attachments and an eight (8)year warranty on the vacuum cleaner motor/electroniccontroller.