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Asked by: Faly Thorpe
home and garden home improvementHow do you clean a white aluminum storm door?
- Put on rubber gloves and squirt two to three drops of dish detergent into a bucket of water.
- Wash the aluminum door with a large sponge and the soapy water.
- Rinse the storm door with clean water and the sponge.
- Dry the aluminum storm door with clean, dry rags.
- Apply an aluminum cleaner to the storm door.
Also asked, how do you clean white aluminum?
Fill one bucket with warm water about three-quarters full. Add mild detergent to the water, using the water-detergent ratio recommended by the instructions on the detergent packaging. Fill the second bucket with warm water. Wash the aluminum, using a soft rag and the soapy water mixture.
Regarding this, how do you clean a white vinyl storm door?
Exterior Vinyl Window Cleaning Tips Create a simple cleaning solution by mixing 1-1/2 cups of distilled white vinegar with one gallon of warm water (pro tip: Add the juice of half a lemon to this to mask the vinegar odor) or mix a teaspoon of mild soap in a gallon of warm water.
The 10 Best Aluminum Cleaners
- Mothers Mag & Aluminum Polish. REVIEW.
- Star Brite Ultimate. REVIEW.
- Boat Bling Toon Sauce. REVIEW.
- Eagle One PVD & Aluminum Bundle. REVIEW.
- Aircraft Tool Supply Met-All. REVIEW.
- CarGuys Premium. REVIEW.
- Quality Chemical Stain Remover. REVIEW.
- 3M Marine Restorer & Polish. REVIEW.