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Asked by: Evgeniya Aichmaier
style and fashion bath and showerHow do you clean a white cast iron sink?
- Rinse the sink thoroughly after each use.
- Dry it completely after each use.
- Clean the sink with non-abrasive cleaners.Avoid using steel wool, wire brushes and abrasive sponge pads.
- Put a past of baking soda and water on any stains [source:Friendly Plumber].
Considering this, how do I get my white sink white again?
Use white vinegar to removelimescale. Fill an empty spray bottle with pure, whitevinegar and spray it on your white sink. Immediately scrubthe surface with a non scratch scrub brush or sponge until thebuildup is gone. Rinse all the vinegar off withwater.
Regarding this, how do you clean an enameled cast iron sink?
Rinse thoroughly and use a soft cloth to wipe theproduct dry after each use. In the rare occurrence of stubbornstains, use abrasive cleaners sparingly. Do not use steelwool, wire brushes or abrasive sponge pads.
Removing Metal (Pot) Marks To clean, apply a small amount ofKOHLER Cast Iron Cleaner (part #1012525) to the marks.Use a soft cloth or cork to gently rub the marksaway.