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Asked by: Sabrine Ruperto
hobbies and interests jewelry makingHow do you clean an old gold watch?
Dampen a soft-bristled toothbrush with the soapywater,and gently scrub the gold-plated band. Pay attentionto getin-between the gaps to eliminate any built-up dirt, dust oroils.Dampen a soft washcloth with plain water, and wipe offthegold-plated band to remove the soapyresidue.
Keeping this in view, how do you clean a solid gold watch?
Cleaning A Solid Gold Watch
- Place a small amount of toothpaste onto a cotton ball oracleaning cloth and carefully rub the toothpaste over thespotscleaning them gently yet firmly.
- Start by cleaning the inside of the wristband and move totheoutside of the band and finally and carefully the mainwatchitself.
Likewise, how do you clean a 18k gold watch?
Fill a bowl with 2 cups warm water and several dropsmilddish detergent. Soak your 18-karat gold jewelry inthesolution for 15 minutes. Scrub the jewelry with a softbabytoothbrush or a cotton swab to remove any dirt embedded in it,andthen return it to the dishwashing liquid and water solutiontorinse.
How to Get Tarnish Off of a Gold Necklace
- Add several drops of a mild dishwashing liquid to a basinofwarm water.
- Remove the gold necklace from the basin and rinse underwarmwater.
- Allow the necklace to air dry overnight.
- Rub down the dry necklace with the cotton cloth, or ajewelrypolishing cloth.
- Store the gold necklace in a clean and sanitized location.