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Asked by: Reem Oberli
style and fashion womens jewelry and watchesHow do you clean an old pocket watch?
Correspondingly, how do you clean the inside of a watch?
Or use what's in your soap dish
- Set up one bowl of clean warm water, and one bowl of warmsoapywater with a small amount of antibacterial soap.
- Carefully dip only the bracelet or strap of your watch intothesoapy water for 15-20 seconds.
- Take it out, and gently scrub with a clean,damptoothbrush.
Also to know, how do you clean a corroded watch?
Use a disposable towel to brush away anyloosecorrosion (white solid). Place a small amount ofwhitevinegar into a small container such as a cup or bowl. Usingacotton swab, moisten the tip with vinegar and carefully wipethecorroded contacts. Repeat as necessary to remove all ofthewhite residue.
Scrub Watch Band with Soap and Water Pat down the watch strap with a damp cloth.Avoidusing a wet cloth or immersing the leather in water.Put asmall dab of mild, moisturizing hand soap on the cloth andscrub thewatch band on both sides. Rinse and dampen thecloth withclean water and wipe the watchbandclean.