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Asked by: Aldair Drudis
hobbies and interests musical instrumentsHow do you clean and shine a flute?
Considering this, how often should you clean a flute?
Remember, the goal when cleaning out the insideofyour flute or piccolo is simply to remove moistureandthe frequency should be no less than each timeyouplay or as often as every 20 minutes of playingwhichever isshorter.
Repair Type | Repair ID | Cost |
Professional Flute Repad | PROREPAD | $225.00-580.00 |
Repair Type | Repair ID | Cost |
Flute Head and Foot Joint Refitting | Swedge | $29.00-60.00 |
Flute Spring Replacement | SPRING | $24.00-51.00 |
Moreover, can you clean a flute with rubbing alcohol?
Using a cotton swab saturated withdenatured,isopropyl alcohol, carefully clean aroundtheembouchure hole. Alcohol wipes can be used ontheflute's lip plate to kill germs if the flutesharedby several players. Using a soft, lint-free silk clothinsertedinto the cleaning rod, clean the inside oftheheadjoint.
The very dark almost blacklookingtarnish is caused by exposing the silver to sulfur.Whensilver sulfide forms on the surface of yourflute, itdarkens the silver. There is some level ofsulfur in airalone.