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Asked by: Kisha Yatzkevich
technology and computing laptopsHow do you clean fingerprints off a laptop?
In this manner, how do I physically clean my laptop?
Wipe down the case
- Turn off the laptop.
- Unplug the laptop.
- Mix the cleaning liquid.
- Soak the sponge in the cleaning liquid.
- Wring out the sponge until it's dry.
- Gently wipe down the laptop's case.
- Use the swab to get the nooks and crannies.
- Finish the job by wiping the case again with thelint-freecloth.
Herein, can I use eyeglass cleaner on my laptop screen?
The anti-reflective coating on the macbookscreenis similar to that on anti-reflectiveeyeglasses and cameralenses. You can safelyuse the cleaner on allthree, with a cleanmicrofiber cloth. Just be gentle (don'tpush!) and don'tclean if you don't need to. Even the rightcleaner canslowly wear away the coating.
It's important to use very gentle suppliestoclean your laptop screen, since theLCDsurface is easily damaged. Using a microfiber clothanda simple solution of water and vinegar will dothetrick if you don't want to purchase a specialscreencleaner.