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Asked by: Fanida Kirchrath
home and garden home appliancesHow do you clean heavily stained concrete?
Hereof, how do you clean stained concrete?
To remove, pour one-eighth of a cup of liquid dishwashing detergent into a spray bottle, then top off the bottle with warm water and shake well. Spray the concrete stains with the soap solution, let it sit for 10 minutes, and then scrub with a stiff nylon brush.
Also to know, how can I make my concrete white again?
Apply vinegar or bleach to the discolored areas. If you use vinegar, do not dilute it. Pour it onto the concrete and scrub it into the surface with a scrub brush. If the discoloration starts to fade, repeat until it disappears completely.
Pour a small amount of hydrogen peroxide 3% (regular peroxide from the store) directly onto the stain and leave for about fifteen minutes. The peroxide will break down the blood stain, enabling you to mop it up with a clean paper towel. Repeat with the peroxide until all traces of blood are removed.