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Asked by: Dorel Ruyters
technology and computing laptopsHow do you clean laptop keys without removing keys?
- Turn off and unplug your laptop before you do anycleaning.
- Tilt the laptop upside down and gently tap or shakeit.
- Spray between the keys with compressed air toremove dust.
- Wipe down the keys with a damp microfibercloth.
- Remove stubborn grime with a cotton ball dipped inisopropyl alcohol.
Also know, how do you clean under the keys of a laptop?
Clean laptop keys that you have removed with amicrofiber cloth or cotton swab moistened with rubbing alcohol.After you clean the keyboard keys, clean underthe keyboard keys and allow the areas to dry. You can thensimply pop the keys back into place and they should worknormally without sticking.
Also know, how do you clean a sticky laptop key without removing the keys?
Some computer manufacturers recommend using a damp clothmade of microfiber to gently clean the keys, whileothers suggest cotton swabs dipped in isopropyl alcohol, also knownas rubbing alcohol. Mild soap and water are also recommended forcleaning keys.
Wipe down your keyboard with isopropylalcohol. Lightly spritz isopropyl alcohol onto a cleancloth, then run it from left to right across your keyboard'ssurface. This will help remove any gunk or stickyresidue from around the keys.