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Asked by: Doralina Reichl
hobbies and interests jewelry makingHow do you clean old metal furniture?
Metal furniture can rust whether it is used indoors or outdoors.
- Take the piece of furniture outside on a sunny, dry day.
- Fill a 5-gallon bucket with warm water.
- Dip a nylon scrub brush into the warm, soapy water and scrub the entire surface of the piece of furniture.
Also, how do you clean metal furniture?
How to Clean:
- Mix up a squirt of dishwashing detergent with a bucket of warm water.
- Scrub surface with a scrub brush.
- Rinse furniture and allow to dry.
- Use a wire brush or sandpaper to remove any rusted spots down to the bare metal.
- Wipe off any metal reside with a clean cloth dampened with mineral spirits or naphtha.
Considering this, how do you clean vintage metal?
Metal Cleaners and Polishes Aluminum: using a soft cloth, clean with a solution of cream of tartar and water. Brass or bronze: polish with a soft cloth dipped in lemon and baking-soda solution, or vinegar and salt solution. Another method is to apply a dab of ketchup on a soft cloth and rub over tarnished spots.
Restore metal outdoor furniture to “like new”
- Step 1: Removing flaking paint and rust. Removing rust and loose paint with steel wool.
- Step 2: Wash away any dirt. Dish detergent was used to wash away dirt.
- Step 3: Cover everything that you don't want painted. Trash bags were used to cover the concrete.
- Step 4: Spray paint. I used Rustoleum paint for outdoor use.