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Asked by: Romain Shields
home and garden interior decoratingHow do you clean plastic storm windows?
Also to know is, what is the best way to clean vinyl windows?
Use a soft sponge or a lint-free cloth to clean the vinyl windows. If you're using a soapy solution, rinse the windows again to prevent soap scum from drying on your windows, then use a lint-free cloth to dry the windows. If you've chosen the vinegar solution, dry the windows with a cloth to enjoy gleaming windows.
- Spray the golf cart's vinyl windows and enclosures with water.
- Fill a bucket with 1 tbsp.
- Agitate the soap mixture by shaking the bucket from side to side.
- Dip a soft nonabrasive cloth into the bucket of soap mixture.
- Wipe the golf cart's vinyl windows and enclosures with the soap mixture-soaked cloth.
In this regard, how do you restore cloudy plastic?
Use a vinegar and water mixture. Place your foggy plastic items in the water, and let them soak for one hour. Scrub the plastic items with a damp rag until they become clear. Rinse the no longer foggy plastic in the sink under warm water. Dry with a soft cloth.
Water-based cleaners such as Windex or Lysol can be used to clean the interior of your vinyl windows. You should only spray a small amount onto the window and then remove the cleaner using a soft cloth.