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Asked by: Igoris Alduncin
home and garden home appliancesHow do you clean sticky painted cabinets?
Correspondingly, how do you clean greasy painted kitchen cabinets?
Dampen a clean, dry cloth with undiluted white vinegar, and wipe down greasy cabinets. Rinse your cloth with warm water, wring out most of the moisture, and use it to rinse the cabinetry. Dry the damp surfaces with a paper towel, but note any still-sticky spots that need a do-over.
Secondly, how do you clean sticky Painted doors?
Wiping the surface with a cleanser that doesn't cut oil makes it appear clean, but it won't remove the oily residue that attracts and holds onto dirt. Use a cleaner that's designed to cut through oil or grease. For light cleaning, a 50/50 mix of plain vinegar and water cleans and requires no rinsing.
Dish soap and warm water, along with a microfiber cloth, is the best solution for cleaning a painted cabinet. Dish soap will effectively remove any food-related grime.