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Asked by: Metin Martinena
home and garden landscapingHow do you clean terracotta pots with plants?
Clay pots are often encrusted with built up mineral salts and vinegar does a great job of dissolving them. Soak the pots in a water/vinegar solution for 20-30 minutes. The solution should be 1 cup of 5% acidic white vinegar to 3-4 cups of water. Baking soda neutralizes stubborn salt marks.
Also asked, how do you clean terracotta pots?
To disinfect pots, soak them in a solution containing one part household bleach to 9 parts water for a minimum of 10 minutes. Then put pots in a dish detergent and water solution. To clean clay pots use steel wool or a wire-bristle brush to remove mineral deposits and other debris.
Furthermore, what is the white stuff on terracotta pots?
The white deposits are calcium and other minerals found in our water or in fertilizers. The wicking action of the clay causes them to accumulate on the outside, where they will not harm pot or plant.
Steps to Remove the Mildew:
- Combine equal parts white vinegar and water in the container of your choice.
- Apply the mixture to the sides of the planter.
- For thin layers of mildew, no further action may be needed – the spray can be allowed to dry on the planter and will kill the mildew.