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Asked by: Cassey Dobrolensky
automotive road side assistanceHow do you clean the main jet on a carburetor?
To clean it, flip your wholecarburetorover and remove the jet holders by pressingon the ends ofit with a wooden dowel rod. Once they're free, soakthem incarburetor cleaner and make sure all openings arefree ofgunk. Unfortunately, you're not quite done cleaningout yourjets.
In this regard, how do you unclog a Jets carburetor?
How to Unclog a Carburetor Jet
- Pour an equal amount of water and cleaning solvent into ametalpot or container.
- Disassemble the carburetor and carefully remove the cloggedjetfrom the carburetor.
- Remove any rubber O-rings that may be attached to the jetandsubmerge the jet into the warmed carburetor cleaningsolution.
- Remove the Harley carb pilot jet.
- Remove the mixture screw, spring, washer, and o-ring.
- Spray a small amount of mild carburetor or fuelinjectioncleaner into the pilot jet passage and mixture screwpassage.
- Use compressed air to clear the passages.
Furthermore, can you use WD 40 to clean a carburetor?
WD-40®Specialist®Fast-Acting Carb/Throttle Body &Parts Cleaner is theonly all-in-one carburetorcleaner spray you will needto clean yourcarburetor, throttle body, and unpaintedmetal parts. Then,the powerful cleaning spray blasts awaythe deposits andwaste, leaving behind no residue.
Symptoms of a Bad or Failing Carburetor
- Reduced engine performance. One of the first symptomscommonlyassociated with a bad or failing carburetor is a reducedengineperformance.
- Black smoke from exhaust. Another symptom commonlyassociatedwith a problematic carburetor is black smoke coming fromtheexhaust.
- Backfiring or overheating.
- Hard starting.