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Asked by: Amandina Derke
technology and computing tablets and e readersHow do you clear recents on Kindle Fire?
From the home screen, go to the Recent itemssection and scroll to the item you want to remove. Thenunderneath the thumbnail of the app or video, selectRemove from Recent.
Just so, how do you delete recent apps on Kindle Fire?
Tap on the “Filter by” dropdown menu at thetop of your screen. Then select “RunningApplications.”This will give you a list of the appscurrently running on your Kindle Fire HD. Select theapp you want closed on your Kindle Fire. Then tap on“Force Stop."
Beside this, how do I clear the memory on my kindle fire?
To remove items from your Fire tablet:
- Swipe down from the top of the screen and then tapSettings.
- Tap Device Options, and then tap Storage. Tap 1-Tap Archive tofree up storage space for items that have not been recently used.Tap Archive to remove all of them from your device.
Tap the button at the bottom of the screen, then select“Settings“. Scroll down and select “Clearall cookie data“, “Clear cache” or“Clear history” as desired. A dialog shouldappear where you can confirm your selection. Tap “OK”to proceed.