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Asked by: Fahima Wesselbaum
sports poker and professional gamblingHow do you collect your winnings from Yahoo fantasy football?
- From Yahoo Fantasy, mouse over Fantasy | select asport.
- To the left of "League," mouse over your FantasySport | select Wallet.
- Click Withdraw Funds.
- Enter the amount to withdraw.
- Click Withdraw Funds.
Herein, how long does it take to transfer money from Yahoo to PayPal?
I dont see a record of it.Withdraw requests will be deposited to your verified PayPalaccount within 2 business day.
Also know, how does Yahoo fantasy cash league work?
Private Cash Leagues are Private Leagueswith a cash contest that you can play with friends andfamily. Yahoo receives entry fees for your participation inthe Contests and awards cash prizes based upon Leaguerules established by the commissioner in conjunction withYahoo.
Making sure that everyone in your fantasy leaguehas paid their entry fee. You can turn to Tilt to collect the entrymoney for your ESPN-hosted fantasy footballleague, setting the amount each team has to pay and how manyteams have to pay before participants arecharged.