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Asked by: Isidro Dobretsov
books and literature fictionHow do you come up with a good chapter name?
Your book's chapter titles present chances to play the game again, with linguistic lures that can keep your audience turning pages way past bedtime.
- Use Chapter Titles to Attract Your Audience. Names you know play this game well.
- Use Chapter Titles to Find Your Focus.
- Use Chapter Titles to Orient to Your Story World.
Besides, should you name your chapters?
Each chapter is the title of a literary classic with which the events in the chapter have an association (some more sly than others). So while titles are certainly not necessary—many novels don't have them—they have the potential to create unity or add another layer to the reading experience.
- Consider the essence of your book.
- Look over your book's text.
- Add perspective.
- Consider the visual.
- Add some mystery.
- Research best-selling titles in your book's genre.
- Search for words in the dictionary.
- Consider song lyrics and lines from poems and other books.
Also asked, how do you label a chapter in a book?
The most basic label is naming your chapters with numbers—one, two, three, etc. Clean, easy to follow, and they don't intrude on the readers' experience, allowing them to just zip on through the novel.
- Draw inspiration from a key theme of the story. A successful title should fit the story in an apt but evocative way.
- Name the title after an important setting.
- Choose a title inspired by a pivotal event in the story.
- Base the title on your book's main character.
- Name the title after a memorable line in the story.