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Asked by: Yuki Lutterjohann
technology and computing operating systemsHow do you comment in MIPS?
In MIPS assembly, comments are denoted with a number sign ("#"). Everything after that sign on the same line is a comment and is skipped by the assembler's lexer.
In this manner, what is a word in MIPS?
A word generally means the number of bits that can be transferred at one time on the data bus, and stored in a register. In the case of MIPS, a word is 32 bits, that is, 4 bytes. Words are always stored in consecutive bytes, starting with an address that is divisible by 4.
Also to know, does indentation matter in MIPS?
All variable definitions within a block should use the same indentation. In the MIPS architecture, variables that occupy multiple bytes should not cross a word boundary.
MIPS system calls. System calls that return values put their result in register $v0 (or $f0 for floating point results).