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Asked by: Petrache Carrondo
home and garden home appliancesHow do you connect a washing machine sink and washing machine to the same drain?
- Insert the drain hose from the washing machine into the top of the sewer pipe.
- Fit together the p-trap and drainpipe and place them into position between the tailpiece and the sewer pipe.
- Connect the drainpipe for the sink to the tee inlet.
Similarly one may ask, can a washer and sink share a drain?
The plumbing code requires one on every drain and has established rules governing its size and distance from the fixture trap. If you're joining a washing machine and kitchen sink on the same drain, you may be able to vent them both with a single vent if they are close enough together.
- Locate a drainpipe to which you can connect the washer drain.
- Cut the pipe with a hacksaw and install a wye fitting or a sanitary tee, depending on the orientation of the pipe.
- Run a length of 2-inch ABS pipe to the wall behind the washing machine.
Likewise, why is the water from my sink going into my washing machine?
A clogged drain causes water to back up into the standpipe and spill on the floor. Clearing the clogged drain will usually resolve the problem. The washing machine drain hose goes down about two feet into the plumbing drain standpipe. From there, the water then goes into a drain trap.
Draining a washer into a floor drain depends on where the floor drain connects. For example, if the floor drain connects to a sump pit that discharges the wastewater to the outside of the home, then you can not drain your washing machine into the floor drain.