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Asked by: Houria Kleinheinrich
home and garden home entertainingHow do you connect copper wires together?
Furthermore, can you connect aluminum and copper wires together?
The only way considered safe to connect copper and aluminum is through a splice connector. Specifically, you have to connect the wires individually so they are not prone to corrosion. The effectiveness of “pigtailing” using twist-on connectors has been evaluated by CPSC staff.
Herein, how do you connect 4 wires to 2 wires?
The first option is to use the black wire of the 12-3 cable as the hot wire. Connect the black wires of both cables together, and connect the common white wires together. Cap the red wire and leave it untouched in the junction box. Place plastic twist caps on all splices.
With the exception of stranded wire, which we'll talk about below, it's important to make sure the ends of all wires are lined up before twisting on the wire nut connector. You don't have to twist the wires together before you screw on the connector.