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Asked by: Ursel Quintans
science space and astronomyHow do you construct a copy of an angle with a compass?
How to Copy an Angle Using a Compass
- Draw a working line, l, with point B on it.
- Open your compass to any radius r, andconstructarc (A, r) intersecting the two sides ofangle A at points Sand T.
- Construct arc (B, r) intersecting line l at somepointV.
- Construct arc (S, ST).
- Construct arc (V, ST) intersecting arc (B, r) atpointW.
Just so, how do you construct an angle with a compass?
Constructing a 90º Angle
- Step 1: Draw the arm PA.
- Step 2: Place the point of the compass at P and draw an arcthatcuts the arm at Q.
- Step 3: Place the point of the compass at Q and draw an arcofradius PQ that cuts the arc drawn in Step 2 at R.
Similarly one may ask, how do you copy a triangle with a compass?
When you copy a triangle, the idea is to useyourcompass to “measure” the lengths of thethreesides of the given triangle and then makeanothertriangle with sides congruent to the sides of theoriginaltriangle.
An angle whose measure is more than 0°butless than 90° is called an acuteangle.Angles having magnitudes 30°, 40°,60°are all acute angles.