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Asked by: Dwana Llovet
science space and astronomyHow do you construct a perpendicular line segment?
Construct: a line through P perpendicular togivenline.
- Place your compass point on P and swing an arc of any sizethatcrosses the line twice.
- Place the compass point on one of the two locations wherethearc crossed the line and make a small arc belowtheline (on the side where P is not located).
Also, how do you construct a perpendicular bisector of a segment?
The perpendicular bisector of a line segment
- open the compass more than half of the distance between A andB,and scribe arcs of the same radius centered at A and B.
- Call the two points where these two arcs meet C and D. Drawtheline between C and D.
- CD is the perpendicular bisector of the line segment AB.
- Proof.
Additionally, how many perpendicular bisectors can be constructed for a line segment?
For every line segment, there isoneperpendicular bisector that passes through themidpoint.There are infinitely many bisectors, but onlyoneperpendicular bisector for anysegment.
- Draw one of the lines and mark two points on it.
- Set a compass to at least half the distance between thetwopoints.
- Use the compass to draw a circle centered around each point.Thecircles should intersect in two points on opposite sides oftheline.
- Draw a line through the two points of intersection.