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Asked by: Qadeer Barbia
science space and astronomyHow do you construct a perpendicular line with a compass?
Construct: a line through P perpendicular togivenline.
- Place your compass point on P and swing an arc ofanysize that crosses the line twice.
- Place the compass point on one of the two locationswherethe arc crossed the line and make a small arc belowtheline (on the side where P is not located).
Similarly, you may ask, how do you construct a perpendicular line through a point?
To drop a perpendicular from a point to a line
- open the compass a distance larger than theperpendiculardistance from the point to the line, and scribe an arcintersectingthe line at two points.
- Call the two points B and C. Scribe arcs from B and C ofthesame radius on the other side of the line from A.
Keeping this in consideration, how do you construct a parallel line?
Method 1 Drawing Perpendicular Lines
- Locate the given line and the given point.
- Draw an arc that intersects the given line at twodifferentpoints.
- Draw a small arc opposite the given point.
- Draw a another small arc intersecting the previous one.
Parallel lines have the same slope and willneverintersect. Parallel lines continue, literally,foreverwithout touching (assuming that these lines are on the sameplane).On the other hand, the slope of perpendicular linesare thenegative reciprocals of each other, and a pair of theselinesintersects at 90 degrees.