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Asked by: Angelina Marcuse
science space and astronomyHow do you construct an equilateral triangle with a compass?
Moreover, how do you make an equilateral triangle with a compass?
Method 1 Using a Compass
- Draw a straight line. Lay your ruler on the paper, then traceapencil along the straight edge.
- Span the segment with your compass.
- Trace a quarter-circle arc.
- Switch the compass around.
- Draw a second arc.
- Mark the point where the two arcs cross.
- Finish the triangle.
Also to know, how do you construct an equilateral triangle without a compass?
Rotate the ruler until the mark representing thelengthof the base line touches the perpendicular bisector. If itcannottouch, extend the bisector. Draw the line, then repeatthisprocess to draw the third line. You now haveatriangle with three congruent sides and threecongruentangles, or an equilateral triangle.
A scalene triangle is a triangle thathasthree unequal sides, such as those illustrated above. SEEALSO:Acute Triangle, Equilateral Triangle,IsoscelesTriangle, ObtuseTriangle,Triangle.