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Asked by: Fikria Judah
food and drink barbecues and grillingHow do you control humidity in a curing chamber?
In respect to this, what is the best temperature to cure meat?
The temperature range should be high enough for the meat to cure properly and dry, but low enough so bad bacteria and mold doesn't grow. Ideal temperatures are between 50-60F (10C-15C). Humidity is equally as important as temperature. The humidity of your hanging environment needs to be between 65% and 80%.
Consequently, what is a curing room?
The Sausage Maker's equipment for dry curing allows you to control and monitor the temperature and humidity inside your home curing chamber or cabinet. The traditional dry curing process has remained basically the same since the 1200s.
Soppressata is an Italian dry salami. Although there are many variations, two principal types are made: a cured dry sausage typical of Basilicata, Apulia, and Calabria, and a very different uncured salame, made in Tuscany and Liguria.