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Asked by: Idelfonsa Hostenkamp
home and garden landscapingHow do you control water flow in a fountain?
How to Slow Down the Water Flow in a Fountain
- Unplug the fountain's power cord.
- Locate the flow control switch if the pump has one.
- Move the switch or dial to the "S" position.
- Add or remove water if needed to adjust thefountain'swater level.
- Plug the fountain pump back in.
Also asked, how do you adjust the water flow on a fountain pump?
How to Adjust a Drinking Fountain
- Locate the screws that hold the cover of the drinkingfountainin place, and remove them.
- Locate the fountain head water adjustment screw.
- Turn the valve handle or push the valve button to activatethewater flow.
- Insert the applicable tool into the adjustment screw.
- Verify the fountain is level.
- Check the water level in the fountain.
- Place a piece of screen in the bottom of thefountainbasin.
- Turn off the fountain pump.
- Place smooth rocks in the bottom of the fountain topreventsplashing.
Regarding this, how do you slow down a fountain pump?
This reduces the amount of water flowing into thepump,which also slows the pump's output.
- Turn off the fountain's water pump.
- Locate the water pump's input control, often located onthebottom of the pump or near the bottom on the back or sides.
- Change the dial to a lower speed, moving it one ortwonotches.
Submerged in the reservoir, the pumpdrawswater into its housing, where an impeller (awaterpropeller spun by electricity) forces the waterout throughthe pump's outflow fitting. Vinyl hose carriestherecirculating water from the pump tothefountain piece where the wateremergesagain.